Thursday, August 30, 2012

More FMs visit

More FM Mike West and Gareth Pringle visited our school!
Yes I know what you’re thinking " would they visit Lytton Street School?”
 Well i’ll tell you why.

One day our teacher (Mrs Armstrong-Lush) mentioned that Mike West
and Gareth Pringle from More FM were visiting! and that we needed a 
class joker. No matter how many people signed up to be class joker none
of the jokes were voted because one person in our class had said the funniest
 joke ever. His name was Cameron.

The joke was: Why did the koala fall out of the tree? because it was dead. 
Why did the second koala fall out of the tree? because it got hit by the first one. 
Why did the third koala fall out of the tree? Peer pressure. 
Why did the Mailman die? because it got hit by three koalas! There were plenty of other jokes but we laughed the most at Camerons joke rather then the others. Last of all Mike West and Gareth Pringle said that our jokes would be on the radio!

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